The AC Garden Greenhouses are as esthetically charming as they are practical. The unique blend of form and strength of design creates a wonderful growing environment able to meet and exceed any national greenhouse building code.
Full-length ridge vents are standard for superior ventilation. All overhead glass panes are made with specially tempered safety glass. Whether you have a private estate or an average urban backyard, the AC Garden Series Greenhouses allow serious gardener to pursue their interests in a beautiful environment.
The AC Garden Greenhouses boasts freestanding structures as well as lean-to greenhouses available in a range of sizes. With seven possible widths and over a dozen variable lengths, this greenhouse is guaranteed to fit any purpose. Every greenhouse building code is met and exceeded. Whether you're looking for an enclosed garden in a city backyard or a full-sized greenhouse on a private estate, there's no better greenhouse for sale than the AC Garden.
Designed by experts for use in virtually any climate, the AC Garden Series Greenhouses have the strength and performance capability to satisfy even the most demanding horticulturist. The wide range of greenhouses in the AC Garden Series makes owning a stand-out greenhouse affordable for the average homeowner.
Each AC Garden Series Greenhouse has the following features:
- Aluminum glazing bars suspended on a galvanized steel substructure
- Tempered or double-strength glass throughout or;
- Clear twin wall insulated polycarbonate or fiberglass materials are available.
- Adjustable roof ventilators along the length of the greenhouse on each side of the ridge
- Vented aluminum storm door
- Aluminum frame supported by galvanized steel substructure
- Aluminum, pre-hung doors
From the size, shape, color, display areas, bench configurations, glazing, and accessories, these lovely, versatile greenhouses are completely customizable, making it easy to build your dream greenhouse. Call one of our experts today at 1-800-531-4769.
Fill out the quote form to receive a custom quote for your greenhouse project.