Incorporating gardening to supplement your traditional classroom learning is an exciting step, no matter the grade or higher education level. Deciding to purchase a greenhouse for your school is a big step.
Selecting the best greenhouse covering for your operation means more than simply choosing among glass, fiberglass, polycarbonate or film—the most commonly used options. Choosing the best coverings for commercial greenhouses helps cut labor and energy costs.
Shade cloth is an invaluable commodity for lots of different applications. It is most commonly used to keep greenhouses cool. But did you know it has a wide variety of uses? As you can see on the list below, you can get creative with shade cloth while using it to reduce the intensity of sunlight!
Greenhouses are designed to trap heat, so learning to properly manage the temperature inside helps create the ideal environment you want. Ventilation is key in this process, specifically understanding the system that works best for you and how to most efficiently set it up. .
Let’s be honest. Most of us do not look forward to deep cleaning our homes or garages every year. But it’s necessary to maintain a healthy environment and keep everything in proper working order. The same thing goes for your greenhouse. While greenhouse upkeep throughout the year is important, following this summer greenhouse maintenance checklist can help set you up for success for the next season—or seasons!
Preparing for the current season by stocking up on necessary greenhouse supplies is an efficient approach to your growing efforts. More than likely, you may think of having such supplies on hand should an emergency crop up during the winter, but being prepared is smart all year long. Of course, your needs will be different in the colder months, but there are some supplies you should think about getting before the weather heats up.
When managing the environment in your greenhouse, don’t overlook the importance of controlling the humidity. While some plants, like orchids, need more humidity, others prefer dryer conditions. Controlling greenhouse humidity can help you create an ideal environment for what you love to grow.
Selecting what you want to grow is often just one step in your gardening adventures. Choosing the right growing containers to sow your plants is also an important decision you should make before you begin.
Of the many benefits of hydroponic gardening, and one of the most exciting for entrepreneurial growers, is higher crop yield. Hydroponic crops grow at a rate 30 percent to 50 percent faster than a soil plant under the same conditions.
Cold frames are used in numerous agricultural operations but are particularly popular in commercial growing operations. A metal frame is constructed to fit over your crops. Usually, these frames are then covered with poly-film to protect plants from frost or extreme heat. While not meant to be used as permanent structures, cold frames are an affordable and versatile alternative to traditional greenhouses.